We had another fantastic Everyday Activism event in January, co-hosted with LCI. Following from the success of Low Carbon Christmas last year we explored Ethical Fashion with a lovely group last week.
The group shared their top tips and learnt from one another. We continued our theme of positive activism and everyone at the event created a heart to encourage two high street shops in their progress towards more ethical fashion options on the high street.

It was great to have Kirsty from Zero Waste Leeds with us, she told us about their Zero Waste Fashion work and how people can get involved.
We took the hearts into Marks and Spencer and H&M the week after the event. The managers of the stores were thrilled to receive such thoughtful gifts and there central social media accounts were in touch to thank us.

Below you can download instructions to make your own heart for ethical fashion and the information we shared on the night about making more ethical choices at every stage.
Everyday Activism is a series of monthly events where we, along with Leeds Church Institute, explore how we can make a positive change in the world. The theme changes each month but we will always bring people together to learn from one another and take a positive action for the good of the city. Our next events are:
Climate and Travel, Thurs 27th Feb, 6.30-8.30pm
Asylum Seeker rights, Thurs 26th March, 6.30-8.30pm
Mental Health, Thurs 23rd April, 6.30-8.30pm