Leeds Sanctuary is a network of communities in Leeds City Centre, that each begin with encounter and embody sanctuary and justice, through which individuals and the city flourish in the ways of God’s Kingdom. You can read more about those core values here.
We create spaces and resources on and offline for people to connect more deeply with themselves, one another and important issues of social justice. We are exploring craftivism, meditation, mindfulness, climate change, wellbeing, Christian spirituality and much more.
We create free mindfulness, meditation and craftivist resources, which are available on our blog. We also run in person events on these themes as well as wellbeing sessions for different groups. If you are interested in learning more about any of this, contact us here.
We work in partnership with many organisations and are always looking for new ways of connecting. We are a Christian project for people of all faiths and none run by the Yorkshire West Methodist District. We are building on a strong history of Methodism in Leeds City Centre.
You can learn more about our work in 2022/23 by viewing or downloading our Impact Report here:

You can find previous Reports below.