I (Anna) am now four months into my role as Development Officer at Leeds Methodist Mission in the city centre. A lot of my time so far has been spent meeting people to discern the areas of opportunity and spaces where we as Methodists have something unique to offer. I wanted to update you all on a few current areas of work.

We have our first event combining gentle activism and learning on Thursday 28th November 5.30-7pm at Leeds Church Institute, LS1 6DG. We will be focusing on how to have a low carbon Christmas. There will be food, opportunities to talk about the topic and take some action. I hope it will be a space to rejuvenate tired activists and engage new people in activism done in a gentler way. Please do come along with an open mind and lots of ideas. Let us know you are coming on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/low-carbon-christmas-tickets-76747581081 or get in touch with me (contact details below).
In December we will be in Leeds Kirkgate Market on Tuesday 3rd, 10th and 17th with a stall chatting to people and doing some festive activities. This is a pilot to see if we can do more work in the market in 2020. Come down and find us in the food and events area of the market if you are in Leeds city centre on those days and follow us on Facebook: @LeedsMethodistMission and Twitter: @LMMinthecity to see how it goes.
One of our long-term goals as a mission is to develop a residential intentional community in the city centre. We are currently looking to begin a conversation about how this will look and develop. So if you or someone you know would be interested in being part of this conversation please do get in touch on 07903755995 or anna.bland@ywmethodist.org.uk.
Thanks for reading!