On Monday 6th June the Leeds Craftivists will be meeting on Zoom at 7.30pm to discuss and create on the theme of migration. This is part of our wider theme of Climate Justice for this year.

We are pleased to have Mary Brandon of Asylum Matters joining us to share a bit about how climate change and migration are related and also the current campaigns we can get involved in.
We will be making placards to support the Yorkshire People’s Bill which tells the world that refugees are welcome in Yorkshire and that we stand against the ‘Anti-Refugees Bill’. You can read more about that here.
Come prepared with:
- Corregated plastic or thick card
- Pens or paint that you can write your supportive slogan with
- A stick to attach to the placard optional
- Cable ties to attach the stick optional
The event where these placards will be used is on Saturday 18th June in the afternoon, some of us may attend in support with our placards.
To receive the Zoom link to your email inbox please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/climate-and-migration-tickets-336667360137
We are also meeting in person on Wednesday 15th June at Left Bank, Cardigan Road, Leeds at 7pm. You can sign up for that evening here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/in-person-craftivists-tickets-324783645627