
Make a Bee Haven

Thank you so much for visiting this page! This toolkit should help you to plant some native wildflowers wherever you live or work. Native wildflowers are the best home and food source for the numerous species of native bees and other pollinators, therefore we want as many native wildflowers growing in Leeds and especially the… Continue reading Make a Bee Haven


Leeds Craftivists: Biodiversity Campaign

The Leeds Craftivists run quarterly campaigns on issues relating to Climate Change and working towards a greener, fairer future. This quarter they are focusing on biodiversity. They are asking you to get involved by making bees. Here is an overview. https://youtu.be/nDd7vs88JWY Making a bee You can make a bee using whatever material you want. Below… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Biodiversity Campaign


Leeds Craftivists: Cost of Living Campaign

This Autumn/Winter the Leeds Craftivists are campaigning on the Cost of Living Crisis. We will be asking for a sustainable, reliable future by asking for more investment in renewable energy. To find out more about why this is our "ask", watch this video of Alice Garvey from our campaign launch: If you want to take… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Cost of Living Campaign


July Craftivists: Housing Inequality and Climate Change

Written by Emma Temple This month, Leeds Craftivists explored how Climate Activism begins at home. We’re in the midst of a housing crisis. Unaffordable homes and rocketing energy bills are exposing how the way we live is quickly becoming financially unsustainable for most of us. On the other side of the same coin, the way… Continue reading July Craftivists: Housing Inequality and Climate Change


Leeds Craftivists: The Sunflower Campaign

This year Leeds Craftivists are asking you to make Sunflowers for Climate Justice! We are focusing on the injustices felt around the world that are caused or made worse by Climate Change. Why a Sunflower?The sunflower has become a symbol of Climate Justice. This is because they are a hopeful symbol - they follow the… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: The Sunflower Campaign


Leeds Craftivists: Food Waste and Climate Justice

In April, the Leeds Craftivists met to explore the topic of Food Waste. We watched a video of Leeds Food Waste legend Adam Smith who founded the Real Junk Food Project. You can watch the video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcwCt_8pXb4 We then had a wonderful discussion about the complexities of food waste, projects we are involved with,… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Food Waste and Climate Justice


Gender and Climate – Leeds Craftivists

This month the Leeds Craftivists met to discuss the intersection between gender inequality and climate injustice. It was a fascinating conversation for a group of majority women. Lizzie shared some reflections on how climate change impacts women and other gender identities around the world more than men. Sometimes in ways that you would not expect,… Continue reading Gender and Climate – Leeds Craftivists