Calling all activists out there! You can still make a difference even if it is from your own home rather than out on the frontlines. We have found 5 campaigns that are important that this time and will subdue your activist cravings.

Drop the debt!
No we haven’t rewound time 20 years. Christian Aid are asking us to contact Rishi Sunak to push for debt cancellation at IMF meetings so developing countries are better able to tackle coronavirus.
Find out more and sign the petition here.
Reuniting refugee families
JPIT and Safe Passage are campaigning for reunification of children in refugee camps to their families in the UK. You can find out more here, sign the petition or write to your MP.
Share Domestic Abuse Helplines
We have all seen the shocking statistics in the rise in cases of domestic abuse during this time of lockdown. The #YouAreNotAlone campaign is providing extra support and funding for online support to those currently experiencing domestic abuse now. The best thing we can do in this time is to share the information with our networks as we never know who is suffering behind closed doors.
See this tweet from Refuge with the information that you can retweet or see their webpage which you can share.
End homelessness during coronavirus
Join Shelter in asking the government to help protect those currently homeless or vulnerable to homelessness at this time when the safety of a roof over our heads is so important.
Learn more and sign the petition here.
Support your local foodbank
Foodbanks are reporting urgent need for more supplies as so many more people are currently using them. You can find out what your local foodbank needs on the Trussell Trust website, there will be information about specific items and where you can donate.
Activism is a key theme of the work of LMM, we want to see social justice in our communities, city, nation and world. See our other blogs about making change happen here.
Great suggestions ….. just to add though not all foodbanks are Trusell Trust, many independent foodbanks are struggling as they are smaller and more often located within a local community, many of them are members of Independent Food Aid Network UK: