
Listen and Challenge

Emily recently wrote this blog for Network Leeds, inspired by the coverage of the 2024 General Election... The upcoming general election is predictably a source of much discussion and speculation. I don’t know about you, but I am finding it challenging to watch much of the coverage of the different parties and politicians as it… Continue reading Listen and Challenge


Pentecost 2024 – God with Us Today

David shares a spoken word piece about Pentecost... https://soundcloud.com/leedssanctuary/god-with-us-today-pentecost-2024/s-DO8ChmAer2Z?si=9b53dc9d091e4715ae1bc179119fab17&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing God With Us Today The disciples (Jesus’ first followers) were left,again,they’d just got used to the fact he’d risen from the dead,they’d got used to him being around in his odd, risen, but not ghostly body,and then he’s gone again,up into the cloudsand they were on… Continue reading Pentecost 2024 – God with Us Today


Enneagram Retreat Day: Prayer & Spirituality

We are really looking forward to our final Enneagram Retreat Day of 2024 on Saturday 01 June, when we’ll be learning more about Prayer & Spirituality. We at Leeds Sanctuary come from a Christian perspective on spirituality but this event is for everyone and we would love to have different spiritual perspectives in the room;… Continue reading Enneagram Retreat Day: Prayer & Spirituality



This Leeds Sanctuary meditation was recorded to give you the opportunity to reflect on Spring; how does the transition of spring affect you? https://soundcloud.com/leedssanctuary/spring If you enjoy this recording, why not join us on a Monday lunchtime for our Monday Mindfulness sessions? You'll also find more of our Meditation recordings here. If you like what… Continue reading Spring

Leeds Sanctuary, Sanctuary

The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Sanctuary – Inclusive Language

In this week's episode, Emily talks to our Universities Chaplain, Revd Tim Nicholls, and Fiona Fidgin from the Communications Team of the Methodist Church about Inclusive Language. They ask, how can the language we use in reference to God help or hinder our understanding of God? https://soundcloud.com/leedssanctuary/sanctuary-march-2024/s-bb7FuYqaSs3?si=a62137e066a24bb4aa04bd0e20554732&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing This podcast will become available from Thursday 04… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Sanctuary – Inclusive Language


Sketch Walk: Pentecost and The Upper Room

Our second Sketch Walk of 2024, in collaboration with Leeds Church Institute and Sketch Club Social, will be on Pentecost and The Upper Room. Unlike previous Sketch Walks, we'll be meeting at lunchtime, gathering at Leeds Kirkgate Market at 12.30pm on Tuesday 14 May. As always though, the Walk will be a great opportunity to… Continue reading Sketch Walk: Pentecost and The Upper Room