Each month the Leeds Craftivists meet on a Monday evening to discuss different elements of climate change. In July the theme was food and the environment! We all eat and have heard such mixed messages about what is the most sustainble way to eat.

We heard a wonderful talk from Hannah in which she shared information about the food we eat and busted some commonly held myths about sustainable eating. We learnt a lot about land use for different types of protein as well as some fascinating data about the sustainbility data by calorific value of different types of food. Watch Hannah’s talk here:
The craftivist action we did was redesigning food packets so they include information about land use, carbon footprint, water usage and human labour coniditons. We are asking supermarkets to help consumers by including this important information so we can make informed decisions about what we buy and eat. Here is an example.

Our citywide campaign is making Green Heart so if you want to make a green heart in the meantime here is all the information you will need to do it as an individual or a group:
Youth green heart session plan
Or email Anna for more information: anna.bland@ywmethodist.org.uk