Climate Justice is the Leeds Craftivists theme for 2022. We will be exploring issues of social justice and where they intersect with the Climate Crisis.
Climate Justice explores the fact that Climate Change does not impact everyone equally. We in Britain are relatively fortunate in the impact that Climate Change has on us, although we are starting to see unpredictable weather and extreme weather having an impact on our farmers as well as each of our daily lives – think of the increased storms and flooding we have experienced in recent years.
People around the world, however, are experiencing a far greater impact than we are: people dying, homes destroyed, livelihoods devastated and people forced to migrate. Western countries hold greatest responsibility for Climate Change given our industrial past but also current consumption-heavy lifestyles.
Therefore we, as the Leeds Craftivists, continuing and developing on our theme from last year, felt it was important to look at some of the key social justice issues through the lens of Climate Change, as the greatest threat we face.
For anyone who followed the news around COP26 you will have seen the emphasis on mitigation and reducing inequalities. We believe that a greener and more equal society is possible, and this year we will be working towards it in our own creative way.
Each month we will meet on the first Monday of the month on Zoom. There will be a theme, often a speaker, and a specific Craftivist action that brings about the change we want to see in the world. Every other month we will meet in person at Left Bank Leeds for a craft evening where we learn a new creative skill and also discuss the climate justice theme for that month.
Craftivism is a creative and gentle form of activism that invites leaders into relationship and sees their full humanity. Each month we use these principles to ask for a specific change that we want to see.
No craft skill is required, just an openness to learning. You can see our full list of themes below; please put them in your diary and register for any of the online dates you can make here. Keep an eye out for the Eventbrite pages for face-to-face events as we move forward.

To stay up to date with everything we are doing sign up to our mailing list here, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.