This Autumn/Winter the Leeds Craftivists are campaigning on the Cost of Living Crisis. We will be asking for a sustainable, reliable future by asking for more investment in renewable energy. To find out more about why this is our "ask", watch this video of Alice Garvey from our campaign launch: If you want to take… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Cost of Living Campaign
Tag: climatechange
Gaia: Hope and Despair
by Rubina Rashid at Leeds Church Institute Leeds Church Institute and Leeds Sanctuary will be hosting an immersive evening of diverse voices and creative responses to climate change with the unique "Gaia" artwork installation as the backdrop. During this event taking place during Interfaith Week, you are invited to hear from a range of community… Continue reading Gaia: Hope and Despair
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonderconsider all the works thy hand hath made,I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,thy power throughout the universe displayed;Carl Gustaf Boberg (1856-1940) tr. from the Russian by Stuart Wesley Keene Hine (1899-1989)© Copyright 1953 Stuart K Hine Trust/Kingsway’s Thankyou Music This verse is from a… Continue reading Creation
Leeds Craftivists: Peace and Climate
On Monday, Leeds Craftivists met to discuss this month's Climate Justice topic, "Peace and Climate". We heard from one of our leaders, Emma, and you can catch up by watching the video below: We would like to encourage you to write a letter to Peter Harrison, CEO of Schroders, and you can download a… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Peace and Climate
Leeds Craftivists: Food Waste and Climate Justice
In April, the Leeds Craftivists met to explore the topic of Food Waste. We watched a video of Leeds Food Waste legend Adam Smith who founded the Real Junk Food Project. You can watch the video here: We then had a wonderful discussion about the complexities of food waste, projects we are involved with,… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Food Waste and Climate Justice
Gender and Climate – Leeds Craftivists
This month the Leeds Craftivists met to discuss the intersection between gender inequality and climate injustice. It was a fascinating conversation for a group of majority women. Lizzie shared some reflections on how climate change impacts women and other gender identities around the world more than men. Sometimes in ways that you would not expect,… Continue reading Gender and Climate – Leeds Craftivists
Leeds Craftivists – Repair, Reduce and Re-Use
This month the theme for Leeds Craftivists was ‘Repair, reduce and reuse’. Ed Carlisle came to speak to us about local community approaches to embracing a sustainable lifestyle. He spoke about many community activities in South Leeds that have made repairing and reducing more widespread, such as Repair Café, Bike fixing and community den building.… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists – Repair, Reduce and Re-Use
Wonder and Creation
In January our theme is ‘Wonder’. It feels like an appropriate topic at a time of year when things often feel dreary and hard work. This month we are inviting you to find the wonder in the day-to-day. As many of you who have read Leeds Sanctuary blogs before will know, we are keen campaigners… Continue reading Wonder and Creation
Leeds Craftivists – January – What is Climate Justice?
Anna tells us about Climate Justice ahead of our first Leeds Craftivists meeting of 2022... Climate Justice looks at the inequality of Climate Change; acknowledging that many of the poorer nations around the world are impacted far worse by our changing climate than those of us in wealthy western countries. Climate Change is the result… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists – January – What is Climate Justice?
Climate Justice: where social justice and climate change meet
Climate Justice is the Leeds Craftivists theme for 2022. We will be exploring issues of social justice and where they intersect with the Climate Crisis. Climate Justice explores the fact that Climate Change does not impact everyone equally. We in Britain are relatively fortunate in the impact that Climate Change has on us, although we… Continue reading Climate Justice: where social justice and climate change meet