
Leeds Craftivists make blanket statement

We’re so excited to share that Leeds Craftivists have completed their first quarterly campaign for 2022/ 23, on the topic of the Cost of Living Crisis.

True to form, the Craftivists aimed to create something hopeful and impactful, which in this case was a blanket. The group received 150 unique blanket squares from people attending the monthly gatherings or an alternative workshop across West Yorkshire, or from people further afield who track the group’s campaigns and resources online. The squares have subsequently been sewn together to form one blanket, delivering clear messages to our country’s leaders, in the hope that this positive action will encourage change.

“We were amazed and inspired by the response to the campaign. We got 150 blanket squares in, which were all so inspired and creative. They were from around Leeds but also far beyond; it really showed how many people passionately care about the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis and believe a fairer, greener future is possible,” said Anna Bland, founder of the group and Team Leader at Leeds Sanctuary.

The Craftivists have big plans for their next campaign to encourage biodiversity in Leeds City Centre and across the UK. The air we breathe, our waterways, and the foods we eat all rely on a functioning and healthy eco-system. Our lives and the lives of all living creatures depend on this beautiful, complex and interconnected system.Thanks to pollution and industrialisation, however, these ecosystems are being decimated in the countryside but also in our urban areas.

Leeds City Centre is a particularly bad habitat for wildlife, being described by one local councillor as a ‘biodiversity desert’. Join the Craftivists at their upcoming meetings to take action for wildlife in your area!

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