by Rubina Rashid at Leeds Church Institute
Leeds Church Institute and Leeds Sanctuary will be hosting an immersive evening of diverse voices and creative responses to climate change with the unique “Gaia” artwork installation as the backdrop.

During this event taking place during Interfaith Week, you are invited to hear from a range of community speakers sharing their focus and faith about the climate crisis with the focus of our earth. Gaia is made of precise imagery from NASA’s visible earth series and will be a stimulating snapshot of viewing earth from space, taking on board the spatial architecture of Holy Trinity Church Leeds. A truly unique experience with a vision of hope and unity.
To read more about Gaia visit: Our Earth, Our City (, or to book your place on this free event, please click here: Gaia – Hope and Despair Tickets, Mon 14 Nov 2022 at 18:00 | Eventbrite
Leeds Sanctuary will also be hosting a second event under “Gaia” on Climate Craftivism. Keep an eye on our website and social media feeds for more information.