Thanks for choosing the Leeds Sanctuary podcast! This is our “Flourishing” stream, and in this episode, Sam discusses Burnout with Lucile Allen-Paisant, Director of Mind It and Founder of Leeds Wellbeing Week. They discuss the joys and challenges of flexible and hybrid working, connecting to joy, personality traits and what organisations might do to reduce likelihood of burnout.
In life and faith, we value and appreciate different perspectives, and encourage you to consider what your perspective is too! If anything in this podcast gets you thinking, you’d be more than welcome to get in touch with us for more information or a conversation.
We hope you enjoy this podcast; if you do, please share it and tag us on social media at @leedssanctuary.

If you’re looking for activities and resources that you can access which reduce the likelihood of burnout, we’d love to see you at Monday Mindfulness, or you could try one of our recorded Meditations any time.
With thanks to Matt at MC Online Events for editing this podcast. Music by Stockaudios from Pixabay.