Meditation, Reflection

Session 3 of ‘mindfulness in difficult times’: grounded

This is session 3 of a 6 part introductory course to mindfulness techniques, which is about calming, soothing and helping us become more grounded. In this session accredited mindfulness teacher Cathy takes us through some more primal movement, helping to ground us in the present moment. She shares teaching and then offers some meditation to try our new found skills.

Cathy has created this course for everyone, whether you have tried mindfulness before or not. Cathy’s teaching style is gentle as this course was created when many people were struggling under lockdown, so we welcome all to give it a try, especially those who are having a tough time.

If you want to start at the beginning with session 1 you can find that here.

Here is the teaching for session 3:

Cathy advises that after the teaching you try the experimental meditation first to find out what grounding, soothing movement works best for you:

Now you are aware what works for you can use the grounded movement meditation:

Want to try the other sessions in the course? Here is Session 2: Gentle Movement

Cathy Ward is a mindfulness teacher and massage therapist. You can find a full list of Cathy’s sessions on this page of our website. Find more of her work on her website here.

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