
Sketch Walk: David Oluwale and Hibiscus Rising

We are thrilled to share the details of our first Sketch Walk in 2024, in partnership with Leeds Church Institute and Sketch Club Social. We will be meeting at our office at 43 The Calls on the evening of Monday 11 March, walking to David Oluwale Bridge and "Hibiscus Rising" to learn more about our… Continue reading Sketch Walk: David Oluwale and Hibiscus Rising

Encounter, Leeds Sanctuary

Leeds Sanctuary pull off Christmas Cracker

Leeds Sanctuary ended 2023 with a cracking Christmas campaign which reached over 500 people in-person and received over 800 views online. Inspired by the “Out of the Ordinary” concept shared by The Methodist Church Connexional Team, we decided to highlight what we find Out of the Ordinary in Leeds, and celebrate what’s Out of the… Continue reading Leeds Sanctuary pull off Christmas Cracker

Leeds Sanctuary, Sanctuary

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

Ahead of this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, our City Centre Minister, Revd David Goodall, has shared this prayer with us: Loving God, You made each of us in your image, rich in diversity, uniqueness and creativity,all shaped by your love and goodness.  In our diversity we are united as your people,called to worship… Continue reading Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

Leeds Sanctuary, Uncategorized

An Out of the Ordinary Christmas – student communities and helpers

This week, Tim reflects on his work with students across the University of Leeds campuses, highlighting the valuable work of It's Our Day, who run the student Breakfast Club we partner on. You can find out more about It's Our Day here: It's Our Day | Promote. Prevent. Pressure. (itsourday.org.uk)

Leeds Sanctuary

An Out of the Ordinary Christmas – consistency and change

Today, Sam tells us about where she's found something "Out of the Ordinary" in Leeds... "My "out of the ordinary" part of Leeds is the view from the top of Royal Park Road in Hyde Park.  It always takes my breath away as I walk my dog around Woodhouse Moor. I find myself on the… Continue reading An Out of the Ordinary Christmas – consistency and change

Leeds Sanctuary

An Out of the Ordinary Christmas – God’s extraordinary love

This week, Emily shares her reflections on walking down Boar Lane: "I usually start my day in the office quite early and it’s amazing what you notice when the city is a bit quieter. As I walk down Boar Lane towards our office on The Calls, I find myself thinking about all of the things… Continue reading An Out of the Ordinary Christmas – God’s extraordinary love


The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Sanctuary – Churches as Sanctuary Spaces

Thanks for choosing the Leeds Sanctuary podcast! This is our "Sanctuary" stream, and in this episode, Emily talks to Russell Trudgen and Dora deGraft Aidoo of Arctic Associates. Dora and Russell share their experience of working with local churches to maintain a sense of sanctuary, ensuring the building is able to serve it's local communities… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Sanctuary – Churches as Sanctuary Spaces