Leeds Sanctuary, Sanctuary

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

Ahead of this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, our City Centre Minister, Revd David Goodall, has shared this prayer with us: Loving God, You made each of us in your image, rich in diversity, uniqueness and creativity,all shaped by your love and goodness.  In our diversity we are united as your people,called to worship… Continue reading Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

Encounter, Leeds Sanctuary

Week of Prayer for Church Unity

This week, Josh from Holy Trinity Boar Lane has kindly written a blog for us about the upcoming Week of Prayer for Church Unity... This week, we mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. In this week, we celebrate that whilst the different denominations of the Church disagree on many things, ultimately, there is… Continue reading Week of Prayer for Church Unity

Meditation, Reflection

Silence and personal spirituality

Why is silence important to you in your spirituality and faith? We asked a few friends to share their experiences of silence and why they love making time fo silence regularly, how it helps them to connect to themselves or their understanding of God. This is the third is a series of videos about silence,… Continue reading Silence and personal spirituality

Meditation, Reflection

A Bird in the Hand

“Pray with open hand, not clenched first” (Jim Cotter) Take a look at the first picture. This is a print about prayer and refers to the bible verse in which prayer is referred to as sweet smelling incense, a subtle yet present reality. What do you think of when you think of prayer? Is it… Continue reading A Bird in the Hand


Walking the labyrinth

 Labyrinths have been found on every continent from long ago. For ancient people they were ways of connecting their inner, spiritual and emotional world with the outer, physical and social world.  In Medieval times labyrinths were laid in churches and cathedrals – the most famous example is at Chartres Cathedral in France (see front cover). … Continue reading Walking the labyrinth