One of things Methodist Ministers are known for is moving regularly. It’s not unusual for ministers to move somewhere between every 5 to 10 years. Deep in our Methodist DNA, in fact, is the practice that although we are invited to a place for a period to time, we are actually appointed each summer by… Continue reading Transition
Author: David Goodall
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonderconsider all the works thy hand hath made,I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,thy power throughout the universe displayed;Carl Gustaf Boberg (1856-1940) tr. from the Russian by Stuart Wesley Keene Hine (1899-1989)© Copyright 1953 Stuart K Hine Trust/Kingsway’s Thankyou Music This verse is from a… Continue reading Creation
If you were asked to describe yourself in 5 words, I wonder what words you would choose. Maybe you would prefer to choose an image, or piece of music? I wonder what thoughts come to you as you think about yourself and your identity? If I asked a friend or family member to describe you,… Continue reading Identity
Peace and Wesley Day
Today, 24 May, is "Aldersgate Day" or "Wesley Day" in the Methodist tradition . Why, you might ask, is this, and what does it have to do with our theme of Peace? The day gets it's name from an experience that the founder of Methodism had on 24 May 1738 in Aldersgate Street in London.… Continue reading Peace and Wesley Day
Abundance in the most unexpected of places On Holy Saturday I realised that despite having organised 72 Easter Eggs for an event on Easter Sunday, I had forgotten to buy an Easter Egg for someone I really should have bought one for. Not a problem, I thought; it isn't Easter till tomorrow, I'll call into… Continue reading Abundance
As we have journeyed through March and our theme of “Weariness”, there seem to have been an increasing number of things going on which have added to the Weariness which was already present. The war in Ukraine is reported daily on all our news screens, the increasing cost of energy, the rise in inflation and… Continue reading Weariness
God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. (1 John 4:16b) A week or so ago I was on my way home and I called at a local shop for some bread and milk. It was the evening before Valentine’s day and most of the other… Continue reading Love