

The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Sanctuary – Control

Thanks for choosing the Leeds Sanctuary podcast! This is our "Sanctuary" stream, and in this episode, Emily, Sam and Anna talk about "Control" - how does our perception of what we can and can't control help or hinder us? How can we healthily develop and nurture self-control as Christians? We mention the psychological concept… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Sanctuary – Control

Encounter, Justice

Social Justice Lunches – What is Activism?

Following the success of Intersections in February, and a follow-up listening lunch, we are delighted to announce the launch of our Social Justice Lunches. Social Justice Lunches will be a quarterly gathering for local citizens and communities, working together with those in authority to be agents of change for a better Leeds. We will share… Continue reading Social Justice Lunches – What is Activism?


The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Encounter – East Leeds Repair Cafe

Thanks for choosing the Leeds Sanctuary podcast! This is our "Encounter" stream, and in this episode, David interviews Paul Coleman, who helps run the East Leeds Repair Cafe. They have a great conversation about the value of the Cafe when it comes to saving money and saving irreplacable items, and it's value in being a… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Encounter – East Leeds Repair Cafe


Enneagram Retreat Day: Prayer & Spirituality

We are really looking forward to our final Enneagram Retreat Day of 2024 on Saturday 01 June, when we’ll be learning more about Prayer & Spirituality. We at Leeds Sanctuary come from a Christian perspective on spirituality but this event is for everyone and we would love to have different spiritual perspectives in the room;… Continue reading Enneagram Retreat Day: Prayer & Spirituality


The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice – Food Waste

Thanks for choosing the Leeds Sanctuary podcast! This is our "Justice" stream, and in this episode, Anna talks to Husain from Compost-It and Emma Temple from Leeds Craftivists about the current Leeds Craftivists campaign on Food Waste. This is a really fascinating conversation covering the complexities of sustainable disposal both in general and also here,… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice – Food Waste


The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Flourishing – Quiet Quitting

Thanks for choosing the Leeds Sanctuary podcast! This is our "Flourishing" stream, and in this episode, Sam, Anna and Emily discuss "Quiet Quitting", a topic which is being debated by both older and younger generations alike. In life and faith, we value and appreciate different perspectives, and encourage you to consider what your perspective… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Flourishing – Quiet Quitting