Leeds Craftivists have been working with campaigners and community groups across Leeds on improving Water Quality since April of this year, and it has been so inspiring to see just how much support there is for this campaign. Raw sewage was dumped into our rivers and seas 398,000 times in 2022 alone, creating a serious… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Water Quality Showcase
Tag: craftivism
Leeds Craftivists: Craftivists Together Exhibition
Leeds Craftivists Together Exhibition. 11th September at Holy Trinity Boar Lane. Come and see creative installations from craftivist friends across the city!With installations from Seacroft Craftivists, Roundhay Craftivists and Leeds Craftivists.Plus a craftivism taster session - perfect if you're new to the group! We are delighted to be hosting a Craftivists Together Exhibition on 11… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Craftivists Together Exhibition
City buzzing thanks to successful Craftivism campaign
Leeds Craftivists are delighted to share that as a result of their campaign highlighting the lack of biodiversity in Leeds city centre, Leeds City Council have granted permission for wildflowers to be planted at various sites across the city centre. As our city has developed, Leeds Craftivists (a community of Leeds Sanctuary) noticed that there… Continue reading City buzzing thanks to successful Craftivism campaign
The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice – Water Quality
In this week's episode, Anna talks to Kirsty Tucker, Community Leader of Plastic Free North West Leeds, to discuss Water Quality. Kirsty shares her own journey of campaigning on this topic and why our Leeds Craftivists campaign on this topic really matters. https://soundcloud.com/leedssanctuary/justice-water-quality/s-pIkUv9owwjJ?si=a485ee6668964a1c819a34f865aa461f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing This link will go live on Thursday 25 May. Additional links:Plastic Free… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice – Water Quality
Leeds Craftivists won’t water down the truth about sewage pollution!
Written by Emma Temple, Leeds Craftivists Earth is 70% water. Humans are 60% water. Water is vital to life on this planet, and we urgently need to keep our waterways clean and thriving for the ecosystems they support. Image by Rebecca Campbell on Unsplash Here in the UK, we’re not taking care of our waterways… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists won’t water down the truth about sewage pollution!
Make a Bee Haven
Thank you so much for visiting this page! This toolkit should help you to plant some native wildflowers wherever you live or work. Native wildflowers are the best home and food source for the numerous species of native bees and other pollinators, therefore we want as many native wildflowers growing in Leeds and especially the… Continue reading Make a Bee Haven
The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice and Biodiversity
As part of the launch of the new Leeds Craftivists campaign on Biodiversity, Anna was joined by Grace Hills, a permaculture artist and one of the Craftivists' leaders, living in North Leeds. https://soundcloud.com/leedssanctuary/justice-justice-and-biodiversity?si=e143792b7d2541fd960562f319ca0c51&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing We are thankful to Grace for sharing some of her learning and views on Biodiversity, and especially for her openness in sharing… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice and Biodiversity
Leeds Craftivists make blanket statement
We’re so excited to share that Leeds Craftivists have completed their first quarterly campaign for 2022/ 23, on the topic of the Cost of Living Crisis. True to form, the Craftivists aimed to create something hopeful and impactful, which in this case was a blanket. The group received 150 unique blanket squares from people attending… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists make blanket statement
Leeds Craftivists: Cost of Living Campaign
This Autumn/Winter the Leeds Craftivists are campaigning on the Cost of Living Crisis. We will be asking for a sustainable, reliable future by asking for more investment in renewable energy. To find out more about why this is our "ask", watch this video of Alice Garvey from our campaign launch: If you want to take… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists: Cost of Living Campaign
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonderconsider all the works thy hand hath made,I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,thy power throughout the universe displayed;Carl Gustaf Boberg (1856-1940) tr. from the Russian by Stuart Wesley Keene Hine (1899-1989)© Copyright 1953 Stuart K Hine Trust/Kingsway’s Thankyou Music This verse is from a… Continue reading Creation