Flourishing, Justice

Leeds Craftivists – Repair, Reduce and Re-Use

This month the theme for Leeds Craftivists was ‘Repair, reduce and reuse’. Ed Carlisle came to speak to us about local community approaches to embracing a sustainable lifestyle. He spoke about many community activities in South Leeds that have made repairing and reducing more widespread, such as Repair Café, Bike fixing and community den building.… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists – Repair, Reduce and Re-Use

Flourishing, Leeds Sanctuary


This week, Anna discusses Flourishing - a holistic, God-centred understanding of wellbeing... Flourishing is the final value of Leeds Sanctuary. This value was developed during Lockdown. We were seeing so many people struggling with their wellbeing that I started to explore wellbeing resources that might help people see themselves as a full, whole, complicated human… Continue reading Flourishing

Flourishing, Wellbeing

What is The Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a map of nine personality types. Like all other personality typing tools, it has the danger of simplifying and "boxing" each of us up; this is a criticism I have often heard levelled at it. However, if used carefully, thoughtfully and maybe even prayerfully, it can be an incredibly insightful lifelong journey… Continue reading What is The Enneagram?