This month our theme is Love. I believe art is an act of love; through the giving of art, the creation of art and images created; images of hope and imagination. I was given this picture by a dear friend for Christmas this year. When Emily asked me to write about art and love I… Continue reading Art as an Act of Love
Tag: art
Street Art
It simply isn’t possible to walk around Leeds without coming across Art. Comms boxes covered in Leeds United chants, player names or Bielsa on his bucket; grafitti on partitions, walls or abandoned buildings; the mosaic at the bottom of Kirkgate Market; the heron at the canal by the Dock; our list could go on and… Continue reading Street Art
This week, Anna discusses Flourishing - a holistic, God-centred understanding of wellbeing... Flourishing is the final value of Leeds Sanctuary. This value was developed during Lockdown. We were seeing so many people struggling with their wellbeing that I started to explore wellbeing resources that might help people see themselves as a full, whole, complicated human… Continue reading Flourishing
In Conclusion
“Remember that all things which happenTo you are raw materialsEndlessly fertileEndlessly yielding of thought that could changeYour life and go on doing so forever.” - Ben Okri The Anastasis Icon Is-o- lat-ed by Andreas Anastasis Take a look at the first image: it may be familiar to you as I have used it twice already.… Continue reading In Conclusion
Postcards from the Edge
“I’d rather be in the mountains thinking about God than in church thinking about the mountains” John Muir "Mend" Take a look at the two images, what do you see? There are obvious connections, even though the two pictures are quite different in style and were made at two different stages of my art career.… Continue reading Postcards from the Edge
'Now we see a reflection in a mirror; then we will see face-to-face. Now I know partially, but then I will know completely in the same way that I have been completely known.' 1 Corinthians 13 v 12 Take a look at the first image. This is part of an exhibition I curated at my… Continue reading Behold
Support Structure
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young (Psalm 84) Take a look at the first picture. This is recent work by Rachel Whitread, the British sculptor famous for casting empty structures with concrete, making something solid, impermeable and haunting out of absence… Continue reading Support Structure
Power to the People: Street Art Workshop
Help us take the music into all areas of our city Image by Federico Scarionati We have been invited to be part of The Leeds Piano Trail and decorate a piano with a local artist on the theme of Power to the People! Join us Wednesday 19th May, 6-8pm on Zoom for a workshop exploring… Continue reading Power to the People: Street Art Workshop
Empty Hands
“The heart regulates the hands.” 2 Corinthians 8 Ok, I admit it, I’m exhausted. A year of this, even though there may be a little glimmer of hope now, has taken its toll. And talking to friends, family and work colleagues, I’m not the only one. We are keeping going, we know we do not… Continue reading Empty Hands
“celebrate good times” Kool & the Gang I don’t suppose many people celebrated the 23rd March. A year ago, this day lockdown started in the UK. Unbelievable as it seems, we have now been under covid restrictions one way or another for just over a year. Who would have thought it, a year ago? Around… Continue reading Anniversary