
Make a Bee Haven

Thank you so much for visiting this page! This toolkit should help you to plant some native wildflowers wherever you live or work. Native wildflowers are the best home and food source for the numerous species of native bees and other pollinators, therefore we want as many native wildflowers growing in Leeds and especially the… Continue reading Make a Bee Haven


Everyday Sacrament Lent Resource

We are really pleased to be able to offer a free suggested reading plan with each purchase of Everyday Sacrament this Lent! We'll be offering two individual plans named for two of our values and two of the key themes of the book, Flourishing and Justice. Each plan contains supplementary reflections and reflective questions for… Continue reading Everyday Sacrament Lent Resource

Justice, Leeds Sanctuary

The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice – The Cost of Living Crisis

We are so excited to be relaunching our podcast this month. Every two weeks, we'll be releasing a new podcast relating to one of our core values, beginning with "Justice". This "Justice" episode is hosted by Anna and is a discussion with Hannah Fremont-Brown of the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) on The Cost of… Continue reading The Leeds Sanctuary Podcast: Justice – The Cost of Living Crisis

Flourishing, Justice

Racial Justice Sunday

This sermon was taken from the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland Resource Pack for Racial Justice Sunday, and our thanks go to all of the individuals and churches who collaborated on this fantastic resource. We are all one in Christ, or are we? (Ephesians 2:19-22)Revd Mandy Ralph, Minister, Church of Scotland In life, if… Continue reading Racial Justice Sunday

Encounter, Justice, Wellbeing

Wonder and Creation

In January our theme is ‘Wonder’. It feels like an appropriate topic at a time of year when things often feel dreary and hard work. This month we are inviting you to find the wonder in the day-to-day. As many of you who have read Leeds Sanctuary blogs before will know, we are keen campaigners… Continue reading Wonder and Creation


Leeds Craftivists – January Sunflowers

The Leeds Craftivists met in January to learn about Climate Justice. We were joined by Sarah Jane from Christian Aid to hear about how Climate Change is impacting people around the world. Climate Justice is the overarching theme for the Leeds Craftivists this year. So January was an overview to lead us into a year… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists – January Sunflowers


Leeds Craftivists – January – What is Climate Justice?

Anna tells us about Climate Justice ahead of our first Leeds Craftivists meeting of 2022... Climate Justice looks at the inequality of Climate Change; acknowledging that many of the poorer nations around the world are impacted far worse by our changing climate than those of us in wealthy western countries. Climate Change is the result… Continue reading Leeds Craftivists – January – What is Climate Justice?

Action, Justice

Climate Justice: where social justice and climate change meet

Climate Justice is the Leeds Craftivists theme for 2022. We will be exploring issues of social justice and where they intersect with the Climate Crisis. Climate Justice explores the fact that Climate Change does not impact everyone equally. We in Britain are relatively fortunate in the impact that Climate Change has on us, although we… Continue reading Climate Justice: where social justice and climate change meet

Meditation, Reflection

Meditation for peace and justice

The next in our series of guided meditations, this one focuses on peace and justice. I was going to create a meditation only about peace but I soon realised the relationship with justice is so siginificant it had to be about both. There is a stilling exercise to begin then I gently explore the co-dependent… Continue reading Meditation for peace and justice